The intersectionality of
queer Muslims

Queer Muslims are a diverse group. We are part of multiple communities. It often happens that we do not feel welcome everywhere. This is because we often find ourselves at the intersection of different identities. This intersectional position causes us to experience multiple discrimination on both an individual and structural level. Depending on our geographical context, we encounter different challenges. It may have to do with our being Muslim and/or queer.
When these challenges turn into barriers, it starts to interfere with our self-acceptance. Feelings of loneliness and insecurity increase and can affect our mental, physical and sexual health. Studying and working become more difficult as a result, putting us at risk of further losing our autonomy and self-determination. As a result, we may get stuck in our self-development and may end up being ourselves.

This is why Maruf is here. We are here to support queer Muslims and stand for an open society free from all forms of exclusion.

Maruf in a nutshell

Queer AND Muslim?

Talk show with queer Muslims


The five pillars of queer Muslims.
There is much to improve when it comes to the position of queer Muslims. To create a society free of exclusion, we have put together five basic conditions. These conditions are based on the Qur'an and put self-determination at the center. As a result, these values can also be seen as universal for human beings. The interpretation of these basic values can be arranged or shaped differently for each geographic context.






The four paths to JEFAD

We work purposefully and strategically on these basic values. To this end, we have put together four pillars. Our projects, activities and programs fulfill one or more of these pillars. This allows us to work constructively and build on the principles of Jefad.

Sustainable movement & capacity building with alliances


Personal development & community building


Network & International Connections

Advocacy, Lobbying & Policy Advice
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